2024S Round 2: East Hills

1 2 3 4 5
Us 1 0 0 2 0 3 5 4
East Hills 2 2 8 2 1 15 10 3

The Rev's Team
Huthnance, W 2-3, RBI, R
Sadhani, T 1-1, RBI
Linnane, J 1-2, R
Poole, D 1-3, R, SB
Linnane, J 22/3IP, 5H, 9R (6ER), 4BB, 3K

For the level of inexperience, this was an OK result. There is still such a huge amount to learn – hitting, catching, running the bases, where to stand, where to go and where to throw the ball. Then we need to cover other interesting situations – infield fly, dropped third strike. It is a simple game (at some level). If we can master the basics – hit, throw, catch – we’ll improve in leaps and bounds.

The same number of hits as last week but fewer walks. That meant we had fewer base runners and, therefore, fewer opportunities to score.

Given the temperature, batting long and fielding short might have kept us “in the game” much better. We started both their second and third batting innings by retiring the first two batters. Short innings were very possible. But we weren’t able to capitalise, and wound up struggling to complete those innings and conceded 10 runs along the way. A bit more than the final margin but significant. It also reduced energy levels (OK most of you with much younger bodies bounce back faster than I) and sapped enthusiasm. It’s hard to compete strongly when these attributes are missing from the dugout.

Next week will be a challenge. With all the Pooles plus Tom away, we are likely to be at 8. As a few of us experienced over the recent winter season, being down in numbers is a tough way to play baseball. Nothing like a challenge.

Next game: St Pats v Scots at Phil Austin 1 on 12:30 Sun (24/09)